24-31 Mai 2007, Colloque international ‘’Directions contemporaines dans l’etude du territoire. Gestion des risques naturels et anthropiques’’, Bucarest, la communication scientifique: Tendances actuelles dans la dinamique des paysages urbains en Roumanie. Etude de cas: Bucharest – Gabriela Manea, Vasile Popa, Iuliana Vijulie, Laura Tîrlă.

August 2008, 1st Moravian Conference on Rural Research”, Brno, Some aspects concerning the environment quality and life quality in the Romanian rural rudimentary communities (Case study), Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Adrian Tiscovschi.

25-27 October,2008,  Busteni, “Sustainable Tourism Development in The Carpathians” International Conference:

oral presentation,The development of tourism activities – the opportunity to an economical new launch of the inhabited settings in Campulung Depression , Gabriela Manea, Aurel Gheorghilas.

9-12 June, Bucharest-Sinaia, 2H2S, 2009, The role of private businesses in the Carpathians small towns’ development-An analysis, Matei Elena.

15-17 September,  2009, Kaprun, Austria, Symposium for Research in Protected Areas The benefits of the past projects aiming on conservation and the habitats’ management in the Iron Gate Natural Park, for 10 years of existence,  Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei.

29-30 May, 2010, Brasov, Bio-Atlas Conference, Centers of metals mining and metallurgy After 2005, The state of urban development in the small Romanian towns, Elena Matei, Gabriela Manea, Adrian Tiscovschi.

22-25 July 2010, The 4th International Conference ,,Rural space and local development. The regeneration of the rural space’’, Bistriţa, România:

– poster: Agricultural land fragmentation – a risk factor for sustainable economic development of the Romanian rural space. Case study: Movileni and Izvoarele communes (Boianu Plain) – Iuliana Vijulie.

– Tradition and modernity in Muscel Countryside. Case Study: Villages of Valea Mare Pravat, Leresti and Mioarele– Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Marian Marin, Adrian Tiscovschi .

29 Sept. – 3 Oct. 2010, The International Conference „Geography and Education”, Bucharest, Romania:

– oral presentation: Analiză diacronică comparativă în vederea evaluării calităţii locuirii în ansamblriule rezidenţiale vechi şi noi din Municipiul Bucureşti. Studii de caz. – Gabriela Manea, Iuliana Vijulie, Hermina Dorobanţu, Mihaela Marica.

 Taiwan, o analiză geografică şi geopolitică-Vasile Popa;

8-10 April 2011, The 3rd International Symposium of Geography. Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action, Bucharest-Râşnov, România:

– poster: Hierarchical distribution of the rural landscapes in the Boianu Plain accordin to their vulnerability to degradation and resistance to human pressure– Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela Manea, Mihaela Preda, Laura Tîrlă, Roxana Cuculici.

-poster: Tendencies of the mortality rates/death reats among the roma population of the Oltenia area – Mihaela Preda, Iuliana Vijulie, Mihaela Persu.

26-28 May 2011, The International Conference ’’Challenges and performance of post socialist tourism  in central  eastern european countries, Bucharest, Romania:

– Oral presentation: The cultural  and tourism  valences of the archaeological landscapes. Case study: Draganesti Olt Archaeo-Park – Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Laura Tîrlă.

-Oral presentation: Ecotourism – an emergent tourism alternative in Romania- Elena Matei .

20-25 June 2011, The 11th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: Modern management of mine Producing. Geology and environmental protection, Albena, Bulgaria: Evaluation of the urban development sustainability for the Romania small towns – Elena Matei, Liliana Dumitrache, Mariana Nae, Iuliana Vijulie, Andra Nicoleta Onetiu.

23-24 September, 2011, International Simposium ’’Sustainable tourism destinations. Identity, Image, Inovation Babeş-Bolyai University, Facultay of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, România, poster: Voluntourism: A new concept, a new form of tourism – Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Mirela Nae.

4-6, 2011, November The International Conference Environment – Landscape – European Identity, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Department of Regional Geography and Environment, Bucharest, Romania.

– oral presentation: Ecological reconstruction of the plain areas in Romania prone to climate aridisation, through forest protection belts. Case study: The Oltenia Plain (Dăbuleni Town) – Elena Achim, Octavian Cocoş, Gabriela Manea, Iuliana Vijulie.

11-13 Mai 2011, The 4th International Symposium of Geography. Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action (Spiru Haret University), Bucharest – Sărata Monteoru, România:

-poster: Vulnerability to degradation of rural landscape. Case study: Boianu Plain – Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela Manea, Mihaela Preda, Laura Tîrlă, Elena Matei.

-poster: Geographical arguments for the reconsideration of Romanian functional areas of public roads planning. Case study on representative samples – Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Adrian Tişcovschi, Laura Tîrlă, Iuliana Vijulie.

-poster: The ’’Căldărari’’ roma’s new house rituals and customs. Case study: Strehaia – Mihaela Preda, Iuliana Vijulie, Mihaela Perşu.

26-27 October,2011,  Drobeta Turnu Severin, WSEAS Tourism Economic Development, The Romanian ports on the Danube Valley – An emergent tourism destination, Elena Matei, Felicia Aurelia Stanciou, Ion Pargaru, Gabriela Manea, Anca Vladoi.

30 May – 2 June 2012, Forum Carpaticum. Science for the Carpathians (S4C), 2012 –, Stará Lesná, Slovakia:

-Oral presentation: Urban, environmental and tourism indices used in evaluation of the tourism development opportunities. Case study: the Romanian Carpathian small towns – Elena Matei, Laura Tîrlă, Gabriela Manea, Iuliana Vijulie.

-Poster: Analysis of the vegetation cover in the Eastern Căpăţânii Mountains (Southern Carpathians, Romania) between 1973-2005 using remote sensing and GIS data – Laura Tîrlă, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Roxana Cuculici.

7-9 september, 2012, International Conference ’’Pro Mountains: Environment-Tourism-Sustainable Development’’ (Buşteni, Romania)

– Poster, Bucovina – Conservation of traditions versus modernization. Case studies: Ciocăneşti and Voroneţ settlements, Suceava County – Iuliana Vijulie, Elena Matei, Gabriela Manea, Laura Tîrlă, Adrian Tişcovschi.

-Poster, Mateiaş Mount – A Disappearing Natural Entity – Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Laura Tîrlă, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin.

-Oral presentation , Visitors’ Satisfaction upon Basic Tourism Services in the Romanian Carpathians – Elena Matei, Gabriela Manea, Iuliana Vijulie, Laura Tîrlă, Dorin Matei.

-Oral presentation, China’s economic growth and its impact on world oil trade, Vasile Popa

2-11 september, 2012, The 8th Romanian – Turkish Geographical Academic Symposium (Bucharest-Sinaia, Romania) Poster, Tectonic and structural controls on landslides and their impact on mountain resorts (Băile Olăneşti, România), Laura Tîrlă, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela Manea, Roxana Cuculici.